Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wikis etc

I have seen how a wiki is created with wetpaint and our wiki is less complicated than this one. Even though I won't be using a new wiki as we have our own, it has been a great learning experience to create one. A fun tool if one were getting up an online book club!

Wiki exploration

There was a wiki that showed US public libraries wikis!
The Local Government wiki has an RSS feed (See, I'm learning!)
The NSW Readers Advisory wiki has links to a twitter reading group.
Wookipedia is for Star Wars fans (boring!)
We already have a wiki for the library. Used extensively. Better than emails for staff.

RSS feeds

I found some librarian blogs on PLO and successfully added them to my gmail.

Also added a link to a cooking blog so I can have a new recipe every single day & never have to worry about printed recipes again.. out go my 2 volumes of photocopied recipes started in 1979 (just kidding folks, although I do have a recipe from the first year I was married & went to cooking classes at night called "Continental cooking" with my mother. We learned to make..wait for it.. quiche lorraine!).

Got to go now as I have lots of work to do to keep this fresh..

ACES blog
Taste recipes
SLWA  blog
Structural Reform blog
YPS Librarians' blog

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Photo of an interesting pile of books.

Just practicing getting a photo up on my blog!
Wish I was on the beach with these books!
I am on a huge learning curve & hope you are all bearing with me.
I found it hard to get photos that were available from flickr so it was all a long process. But yay! I managed.

My first blog.

Had fun setting this up.You'll never guess my identiy.

I hope you all enjoy the process too. (Ha Ha).
I can remember the first time I heard the word "blog" was when a new male young author joined the library & showed me his blog with a picture of his girlfriend on it. Wow!

Now I can say I have my own.

I will probably use my new found skills to help set up a Readers blog in the library.
That's all folks.
